Although most companies monitor to some degree key developments in their respective markets, Market Intelligence is a much more systematic and longer term practise of collecting external and triangulated market data and insights for the purpose of accurate and confident decision-making. At External Insights we have a long and successful track record of offering specialized services in the domain, broken down as follows:

Market Sizing
Reliable, evidence and model-based (top-down and bottom-up) market size estimation and forecasting, alongside comprehensive understanding of key qualitative topics affecting the market.

Market Landscape Analysis
When the size of the market and its growth profile are understood, we help you, via primary research, analyse and evaluate further key market competitive forces, including your company’s and your competitor’s positioning, strengths, weaknesses and clearly identify market opportunities and threats.

Market Value Chain Analysis
Under this service offering, we help you understand and evaluate the key value chain participants other than your competitors: suppliers, partners, distributors, clients and help you assess their suitability for cooperation, their merits and weaknesses as well as help you establish relationships with the more value adding ones.